Annandale Opportunity Neighborhood
Opportunity Neighborhoods is a Fairfax County-wide initiative to provide opportunities and remove barriers to success for at-risk youth. The Opportunity Neighborhood approach is to identify gaps in services, bring low-income residents together to prioritize their needs, then help community members, faith communities, schools, businesses, and county agencies work together to fill the gaps.
FACETS has been the backbone organization for Opportunity Neighborhood—Annandale since 2020 and in 2024 will begin the same work in Centreville. Whether it is in areas of health, being ready and prepared for school, feeling safe in our homes and community, or having a plan for graduation and beyond—Opportunity Neighborhood helps the community identify priorities and work together toward that change.
Community Council
8-12 residents from focus neighborhoods come together each year to form a Community Council. They meet monthly to identify community needs and develop plans to address those needs.
Children’s Activities
Affordable, accessible activities for youth is a community need as identified by the Community Council. In addition to an annual “Trunk-or-Treat” event and a “Cookies with Santa” gift distribution event in partnership with local police, the Council has provided summer activities for residents, shared information about how to access local recreation centers and apply for discounted fees, and more.
Tenant Concerns
Community Council members presented information sessions on how to more effectively make maintenance requests, as well as how to understand renter’s insurance. The Council works with Legal Aid Justice Center to support their tenant group in the neighborhood in which they live and serve, and work with other management companies to improve their responsiveness and support for residents.

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