Youth Programming
Our Education and Community Development (ECD) Center youth programs focus on supporting academic progress, developing social-emotional skills, and providing enrichment opportunities. Children who reside in the neighborhoods where our centers are located have access to after-school activities Monday through Friday. In addition to getting help with homework and having access to the internet and a wide array of books, Community Advocates at our ECD Centers engage the kids with various enrichment activities.
In the summer, FACETS expands youth programming hours and provides lunch, to minimize the time children are left to care for themselves and ensure they get a healthy meal each day. Field trips are offered throughout the year, from laser tag and waterparks to museums and nature experiences. Giving children a safe place to spend their time and exposing them to games and experiences they might not otherwise have not only keeps them safe but expands the knowledge base they bring to their academic studies and builds their confidence and resilience.
Our Programs
Homework Help
We offer Homework Help at least four days a week at all three community centers. Students have access to school supplies, computers, printers, and supplemental materials along with group and one-on-one assistance from staff, interns, and volunteers.
Enrichment Activities
Children can try their hand at various STEAM activities — such as painting a canvas or making slime — and take part in supervised play, such as a game of kickball or ultra-competitive hangman.

our community’s generosity
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