Current Volunteer Positions
- Front Desk Alexandria (18+)
- Front Desk Fairfax (18+)
- Hot Meals Driver (21+)
- Food Distribution Events (12+ with parent/otherwise 18+)
- Financial Stability Services (21+)
- Annandale and Centreville Community Outreach Volunteers and Drivers (18+/Spanish speakers preferred)
- Hot Meals Server (16+ with parent/otherwise 18+)
- Afterschool Tutoring
- ESL Instructors at ECD sites (16+ with parent/otherwise 18+)
- Homework Help (16+ with parent/otherwise 18+)
- On-Call Moving Help (18+)
Supporting the Next Steps office at our Alexandria location. Limited shifts available. Tasks include greeting guests, answering phones, and assisting with some administrative duties.
Supporting the Administrative office at our Fairfax location. Limited shifts available. Tasks include greeting guests, answering phones, and assisting with some administrative tasks.
Drivers are the leads for the Hot Meals deliveries at Fairfax City locations. Evening shifts (daily 5 to 8PM) and Sunday morning (6:30 to 9:30 AM) on an as-needed basis. Tasks include stocking the van, greeting volunteers and guests, handing out meals, and recording meal counts.
Volunteers are needed for monthly food distribution events to support communities in need. Volunteers load and unload fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, eggs, and other groceries. We unload, bag, and hand out the items at locations across Fairfax County.
Volunteers work with clients to help draft resumes and cover letters, prepare for job interviews, and other tasks to enable those individuals to secure new employment. Shift dates and times will be based on volunteer and clients’ schedules.
Volunteers will work with community leaders as they identify barriers and prioritize solutions for families in the Annandale and Centreville neighborhoods. Spanish language speakers are especially needed. Duties will vary and may be in-person or virtual.
Servers are needed to help greet guests, hand out food, and keep track of attendees and meal counts for records. Teenagers may assist if accompanied by an adult.
Tutors needed for individuals at FACETS Education and Community Development Center locations. Candidates must be able to work with individual residents and location, shift times, and other specifics will be based on volunteer availability and individual needs.
Volunteers with weekday availability are needed to unload and sort diapers or to help clients moving into permanent housing at locations in Fairfax County. Shifts are as needed and usually last about four hours. Position is physical.
Other Ways to Volunteer
Education and Community Development Program
Volunteer opportunities are available in Centreville, Annandale, Fair Oaks and Fairfax during daytime, evening and weekend hours. Minimum age is 16 to volunteer for this program.
- Homework Help
- Community Development Program Intern
- Boys/Girls Group
Services for Single Adults & Families
Volunteer opportunities are available at various locations throughout Fairfax County. Minimum age varies for each opportunity.
- Driver (minimum age 21)
- Moving supplies and furniture
Hypothermia Program
Volunteers are needed to meet the needs of the hosting congregations during the hypothermia season from November – April.
- Moving items between churches on Sundays
- Drivers
Main Office
All volunteer opportunities at our main office and are available between the hours 9 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday. Minimum age varies for each opportunity.
- Front Desk
- Pantry Organization
- Development Intern
- Communications Intern
- Volunteer Services
- Administrative
- Van Maintenance
- Volunteer Photographer
Youth Volunteer Opportunities
Youth between the ages of 10 – 16 may participate in fun projects that directly or indirectly impact our programs (when accompanied by an adult). To learn more contact Suzanne Hough, director of volunteer engagement, at
Group Volunteer Opportunities
We’re always looking for groups, clubs, families, and organizations who are looking to volunteer together. If you’re interested in learning more about how to get your group involved, please contact Suzanne Hough, director of volunteer engagement, at
Event Volunteer Opportunities
Are you skilled with event planning, videography, photography, hospitality, or DIY projects? We could use your talent as we plan for various events throughout the year.

our community’s generosity
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